Pray for snow

Start praying for the white stuff! But until that works here's some other rubbish to keep you entertained...

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Torino 2006 See more of my photos here!!!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Java must die

Ok so i slave my guts out, to get this weeks java and log book finished only to be told my logbook is a bare am i pissed. i wouldnt mind i spent that much time actually getting the code to work (which I consider to me the important part) that it was just a real slog to get the logbook done to her satisfaction. I mean which is better time spent actually using java and gettin the code to work or spending 4 hours cutting and pasting stuff into a fookin book.

She can sod off

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sick of uni work...but on a lighter note

Ok, uni work is doin my head in, motivation min, annoyance max.
At least I got to go down the dome again, last night where I renewed my membership. Man do you feel inferiour down there on a saturday night, some seriously good boarders.
I won the ebay auction for my new board a Ride Kink 2005. Wohaa
Price in the end was reasonable and a good bit cheaper than the shops. Be intersting to see how much dif there is between that and my old one.

peeps seem to be having a good time in Center parks where there is some snow apparently!! maybe I shoulda gone after all!!