Pray for snow

Start praying for the white stuff! But until that works here's some other rubbish to keep you entertained...

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cool touch screen prototype - Multitouch Interaction Experiments

I may not update by blog often but I like to think that when I do, my posts are either funny, cool or interesting.

Well this video ticks 2 out of 3 boxes.

Ever dreamed of manipulating computer screens with your hands like they do in sci fi films!?!?!
This is a video of a new touch screen interface that has been developed and it is rumoured that Apple have the patents for it.
The part where he manipulates photos and the google earth look-a-like are sweet.

Make no mistake this is the future and will replace the mouse one day and if the above rumour is true another reason why Apple rock.

Link to Video